Brighton Algorave

Posted by thor magnusson on September 6, 2014

To launch the Live Coding and the Body symposium at the University of Sussex, we organised a Friday night Algorave at the Loft club in Ship Street. Brilliantly planned by Chris Kiefer and Chad McKinney, the evening included performance by algorithmic superstars like: Mico Rex (Mexico), Sarah Angliss (UK), Norah Lorway (Canada), Renick Bell (Japan), Icarus (UK/Australia), Chris McCormick (UK), Alo Alik (UK), Charlie Roberts (US), Adam Parkinson (UK), Anny FM (UK), Luuma (UK), and Glitch Lich (US), with brilliant live coded visuals by Antonio Roberts, Davide Della Casa and Guy John.

Algorave performances are popping up all over the world, see website. As per definition, an algorave performance should be dance music generated by live algorithms. This music could be computationally generated with AI, live coded, or made with audience interaction.

Brighton Algorave